Couples Therapy

Couple’s therapy helps people involved in romantic relationships gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict, and improve relationship satisfaction utilizing a variety of therapeutic interventions.

Couples therapy is beneficial for any kind of relationship, including:

• LGTBQ2+ relationships
• Interracial relationships
• Young teen or college relationships
• Relationships with a large age gap
• Relationships that are at any stage, including dating, engaged, or married


What to expect

Although gaining insight is important, another crucial aspect of couples therapy involves changing behaviors. Couples therapy will often assign partners homework to apply the skills they have learned in therapy to their day-to-day interactions.

Most couples come away from therapy with greater knowledge of their relational patterns and with the necessary skills to effectively communicate and problem-solve with their partners.

Sessions will last approximately 90 minutes. For more information on booking, please click:

Other notes

All services are rendered by a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) and may be subject for reimbursement with your extended health benefits, employee benefits program, or may be submitted as a medical/health expense when filing your income tax. The individual seeking services is responsible for checking with their benefits provider and seeking reimbursement directly.

All sessions can be booked, adjusted, and cancelled online for your convenience. All sessions are available over the phone or delivered over a secure PHIPA compliant platform so you can rest easy, knowing that your session meets Ontario’s and the CRPO’s health information privacy guidelines.

For more information, please contact me at:

info@measuringwhatmattersto.com416 671 4171