So, it’s official: I am moving to San Francisco.
Well, not really, but believe me when I say I am doing whatever I can to ensure it happens.
If you have ever had the chance to experience this feeling, then you will understand the testament I am about to write. My California adventure that I took earlier in the month had many stops across the Sunshine State. Some were filled with disappointed expectations, some with mesmerized beauty and onestop where at the exact moment I woke up in that city and began exploring, I knew this was home. A calling so profound, that I truly have never felt like this before. San Francisco stole my heart, from how everyone moved to the exceptional food to what the city showcased in its little corners. I might not be moving there any time soon, but I am in a place in my life where I have discovered that the minute you open your heart and mind, get them on the same page, and let yourself feel what is around you, you are rarely disappointed.
I have had a lot of significant changes in my life, this year being one particular one. But this trip came at the exact time I needed. I came back home with a new energy to strengthen friendships, engage in solo adventures, explore new landscapes, and pull my focus on what rejuvenates me. All because I got the closure I did not expect to receive. Exhausted energy from travels, but a new hope that what I bring to the table is, first and foremost, is the table I have created. So, I can decide who sits and who sucks up my energy. Secondly, this table can change depending on my needs.
To any of you who have felt like something is missing, something needs to be changed, but are unable to determine what it actually is, I ask you to pause and breathe and open your mind and body to where you are. And if, for whatever reason, you cannot, then this is the place to begin.
I am happy to say that after a long time, proudly I can attest that I have healed many of my broken parts, and I am ready to explore what is out there for me. I am sure new parts will break, but believe in yourself and know that you can put yourself back together again.